Misfits - Chef Fruit/Veg Box


This box was created thanks to the suggestion of some chefs who said, if you make a box of scratch and dent random fruit and veg that is totally good still but will probably cause someone to email you with an issues because it isn't perfect and it might have a dent or a bruise or some discoloration, I'll buy it!  

This box changes every day, one day it might have:

  • kale - that needs to be cooked tonight
  • Oranges - with soft spots for turning into marmelade or juicing
  • Artichokes - left over from a box that we sold out of but miscalculated the amount needed.
  • Avocados - for guacamole the may have some dents or be super soft
  • Herbs - that have gotten frost damage
  • Onions - that have started to sprout

It is a grab bag, but we will make sure it is stuffed and you are getting a good value!

This box is meant for people who don't want to see food thrown away and are down for a project to keep that from happening